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Remedies against inflation and shortages during troubled times

Remedies against inflation and shortages during troubled times

The panellists will address common issues that you may encounter in practice and discuss the remedies available in relation to both private and public contracts.

Comparative approach: civil law and common law jurisdictions.

Solutions proposed by FIDIC.

Moderator: François Muller (Partner, ADVANT Altana).

Speakers: David Brown (Partner, Clyde & Co),Vincent Leloup (Managing Partner, Exequatur), Alejandro López Ortiz (Partner, Mayer Brown) and Sébastien Muller-Feuga (Director, Equans Ineo).

Programme: 08:30 – 09:00: Registration and welcome coffee 09:00 – 10:30: Round table, followed by

Q&A Venue: Mayer Brown, 10 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris. Hybrid format: by registration only (in-person registration is limited)