The panellists will address common issues that you may encounter in practice and discuss the remedies available in relation to both private and public contracts.
Comparative approach: civil law and common law jurisdictions.
Solutions proposed by FIDIC.
Moderator: François Muller (Partner, ADVANT Altana).
Speakers: David Brown (Partner, Clyde & Co),Vincent Leloup (Managing Partner, Exequatur), Alejandro López Ortiz (Partner, Mayer Brown) and Sébastien Muller-Feuga (Director, Equans Ineo).
Programme: 08:30 – 09:00: Registration and welcome coffee 09:00 – 10:30: Round table, followed by
Q&A Venue: Mayer Brown, 10 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris. Hybrid format: by registration only (in-person registration is limited)